Tuesday, March 25, 2008

I love you really really LOUD.

A couple weeks ago, my son Luke said this to me.

Luke: Mommy, I love you.

Me: Really? How much?

Luke: I love you really really LOUD.

It was really cute. I think, in his sweet 3-year-old heart, he was trying to say that he loves me sooo much - and he couldn't think of a bigger word that LOUD. I thought his description was so fabulous. And so fitting - considering the child it came from. :)

And the more I think about it, the more I love it.

Think about how Jesus loved us. He loved us so "loud" that he died for us. He was not ashamed of us. He proclaimed his love on the cross, for all to see. His love was not quiet. It was LOUD.

And so I resolve to love Him - and everyone else in my life - a lot more LOUD from now on.

Thank you, Luke, for sharing your wisdom with me.

1 comment:

wendy said...

from the mouths of babes.

i love that!