Saturday, April 19, 2008

The Colors of our Family . . .

I'm so in love with my son. I love how he's growing up. He asks the best questions. He's so inquisitive and so stinking funny.

We had this conversation a few days ago:

Luke: Mommy, what do yellow and blue make?
ME: (So relieved that I know the answer, LOL) GREEN.

Luke: What do red and orange make?
ME: (thinking. . . thinking . . . thinking . . .) Uh . . dark orange?

Luke: What do brown and white make?
ME: Light brown?

Luke: How about orange and green?
ME: Uh, probably a very ugly brown.

Then, I turn the tables on him, thinking I can stump him.

ME: What do Mommy and Lukey make?
Luke: Family. (which he pronounces Fam-buh-wee.)

Good Answer, Lukey. :)

I LOVE this kid.