Thursday, September 20, 2007

Did you know?

This is how brussels sprouts grow? We walked into the grocery store last night and there was a display of these - it was like a forest of brussels sprout trees. At first, I thought it was some sort of floral arrangement of vegetables. LOL. But, apparently, this is how they grow.

So . . . I bought one. And I did what anybody would do. I brought it home, put it in a vase, and took pictures of it.

Now, I don't actually eat brussels sprouts. Oh, and did you know it's brusselS sprouts? I always thought it was Brussel sprouts - no S. It seems the Brussels Sprout is quite the most mysterious of the cruciferous vegetables.

My kids are very much looking forward to getting their baskets and "picking" all the sprouts off the tree. But I think I'll leave it up just a little longer. I kind of like it.

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