Tuesday, December 23, 2008

D is for D@*#*, that hurts!

Yesterday, I was out running errands and happened to catch a glance at my reflection in the rearview mirror.

Waaaaay past time for an eyebrow wax.

So, on the way home, I pulled into my friendly neighborhood nail salon.

And that's where the pain began. Now, let's be clear here. The pain of which I speak is not of the physical variety. Because if there's one thing you should know about me, it's this: My vanity is not of the sort that would allow a small thing like massive quantities of pain to get in the way of the pursuit of beauty.

Anyway, I approach the counter and tell the lady what I'd like: an eyebrow wax, please.
At which point, she turns and yells loudly into the salon: EYEBROW WAX!!!!
(This is why I don't tell the chick at the counter that I also want a lip wax. I save that part for the chair. I only made that mistake once. LOL.)

So, I get into the chair and the girl says: You liie eyebrow wax?

Yes, I "like" eyebrow wax, please. And this too, I whisper, while pointing discreetly at my upper lip. (Whispering it somehow makes it seem less real.)

Then, she punched me in the gut says to me: You liie I do chin too?

And there was silence. Like movie silence. The kind with the crickets. During which I stared at her in complete horror and consternation.

And then I managed to squeak: Do I NEED a chin wax?

And she said: YES.

And then I died. Right there on the spot.


Kristen Brooks said...

ROFL omg eyebrow waxing KEELS me!! Have you ever gotten your LIP waxed??? OH holy crapola that's the worst pain in the world--I'd rather give birth! LOL

Alison said...

OMG!!! I just laughed my arse off. That is SOOOOO classic. Thank you Stacey, I needed that. :)

Chrissy said...

OMG...this was the greatest story ever!

One Crazy Mama said...

This cracked me up! I know I am late in reading. LOL. But it cracked me up. If it makes you feel any better I could probably use all three myself

Stephie said...

Stacey I love you! That is the best story ever!

allison said...

Ok, This just made my day. Welcome to my world. LMBO